Page name: black arrow tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-24 19:07:43
Last author: travs the bean
Owner: travs the bean
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Welcome once again to the Black Arrow Tavern my friend, where the food is rich and drinks are plenty. Yet mind you, tis not a place to leave your purse lying about, and be wary of the goblins that haunt below and you'll be fine. Yet if yer looking for tales of adventures and treasures far off, than you've found the right place. Yes it has been a while, and there have been changes, but the dust is being cleaned off and the chairs straightened so if you need a place to stay for the night, here it might be

We offer the finest collection of drinks in elftown, as well as the the most excellent meat dishes. So pull up a stool or find a table and make yer self at home. If you are planning to stay a while there are plenty of rooms to choose from. Each with warm beds and a nice fires. Breakfast is at 11 and the bar never closes.

the rules
Now all we ask is you pay yer bill, and keep your squables at the door. There will be none of that here now. Also keep yer filthy mutts off the wenches or you might end up with an arrow to the back...we tend to keep an eye on our own here.

Also we have new openings and changes here at black arrow tavern:characters. So if your interested at playing more indepth roles- here is the place to go.

staff on duty:

[travs the bean] the barkeep;
[Igorina]aka Jynx
So feel free to ask for anything.

the drinks
Ale........................2 copper
Mead.....................1 copper
Eldenberry.............1 silver
Rock Ale.................1 copper, 1 silver
Black Root Ale.........2 copper
Fire Water...............3 copper
Goldberry Wine........1 gold
Brandy Wine............3 silver (sort of rare)

Todays Special: all you can eat
Roast Mutton, Bread, and Roasted Vegtebles 2 silver

Rooms per night
the floor.............1 copper
common room.....3 copper
room 2 beds........5 copper 1 silver
private room........3 silver

to the other rooms of the tavern
Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs the 1st floor Map is done!
Black Arrow Tavern: 2nd Floor 2nd floor is done

important: this story is played through out many rooms- things happen in other places at the same time as in the inn and if you are not in the room you miss out on the adventure or danger:) so as more rooms open up we would encourage you to keep to story or stories going- because it all does not happen on the main floor:)

working on the cellar- which leads to the sewers(coming)

the map of the main floor
this will help you get around the inn- working on the second level and maybe the third as well- be patient
Legend to come...
all the tables are drawn without chairs- sorry- time issues:) and the storage room is off limits;) as well as the kitchen for the most part cause [Rennie] will prob beat you down like an old rug if she catches you there

if you need to buy stuff and gear for that next adventure or get a potion or two go here- i hear [Kileaiya] might be hiring once she gets her store in order:)
black arrow tavern:warehouse

character: who's who
black arrow: character sheet
come to the inn and you can create your own character- mind you as it grows more occupations will open up:) - than post your character here
black arrow tavern:characters

If you want to advertize the tavern here's the small graphic and the link.
black arrow tavern

**** i've been asked if anyone can join- the answer is always yes- just roleplay smart- a lot of people are not fans of the super warrior- or character that has it all- it makes things unrealistic- the tavern is in the poorer section of town- the main hall is open to all- get a room and that's were the adventure begins- just keep it clean.

we'll come up with a smart roleplay guide in a bit- but until then have a drink if you have the coin

Travs the bean

Black Arrow Tavern:Outside



we will delete a post if you break character- use the mail system to chat- not here- do not break character

god like powers and magic
If you want to be the most powerful kid on the block than this wiki is not for you- we will get rid of those and delete those post that we find fit this.We are looking for fun, realistic play, where you use your wits rather than your powers.... SO leave them at the door- Magis is allowed but in the inn it is greatly reduced and it will have damaging effects at time- (i am a big fan of friendly fire)

Username (or number or email):


2006-01-11 [alexi]: Alright *goes to put fresh sheets on the empty beds*

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: *takes out his pipe and starts to smoke it*Mmm I hope that people will come today so i can have some money..."

2006-01-11 [Danboo]: daniel said,"hey travs"

2006-01-11 [travs the bean]: morning boy** the smoke whisped skyward and lingered around a light for a second or two, before dissappearing into the ceiling boards*

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: *looks insdie his pouch**Hmm not much left...hey travs, one mead."

2006-01-11 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx wandered down the stairs, his spurs clanking with each steip. He walked past the bar and over to the window to watch the storm*

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: *takes out his Kantele from his bag and starts to polish it*

2006-01-11 [travs the bean]: here ya go mate** the barkeep smiled, pouring another round of mead for the muscian**

2006-01-11 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx lit up his cigar and straightened his hat a couple times, casting a careful glance around the bar for any new faces.

2006-01-11 [alexi]: *comes into the main room* Whew thats done! Muscian, what songs do you know?

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: "Mmmm know lots of 'em mostly my own doings,some from my homeland and some from my travels.."

2006-01-11 [alexi]: Would you sing a song or two?

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: "I really don't sing too much I usually play my kantele(it's a wooden instrument with strings it has very relaxing and pretty silent sound)but yes, I could throw you a song or two,,,"

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: *Ahem* Starts to play kantele, the silent sound fills the room* "A windstorm dropped a bird from the sky It fell to the ground and it's wings broke and died   But when the time got by, back to sky it flied 'cause the wings healed in time and the bird was I...  ...Time is the death and the healing Take your last breath, 'cause death is deceiving Time is the past, now and tomorrow Days fly so fast and it leaves me so hollow....  ....A snowstorm blew inside a wolf's eyes and the frozen tears covered all the mountainsides But then the time got by and the wolf died and someday that wolf would be I..." *plays for a while, after he stops he sighs deeply*

2006-01-11 [Lothuriel]: Vexx walked to the edge of the bar and leaned on one arm, crossing his legs at the ankles, he caught a glance from the lady and tipped his hat with a crooked smile.

2006-01-11 [teladobix]: *Drinks his mead* "That was a song by a great musician in my homeland, my voice don't fit in it perfectly tough"

2006-01-12 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna opened her eyes. "It sounds as though it has been translated from some other tongue...has it?"

2006-01-12 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep sucked his teeth for a moment and put his pipe down. The rainy afternoon seemed to wear on for a bit**

2006-01-12 [Lothuriel]: Vexx turned to lean over the edge of the bar, "so, barkeep. What's the strongest you got?"

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: *terrex sat at a table, and unsheathed his sword, he pulled out a wet stone and began working on the blade*

2006-01-12 [Lothuriel]: "Hey, there Orc! Join me for a drink"

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: *terrex looked over at vexx, he wiped his blade and than thrust it into his sheath, making his way up to the bar*.. ok.

2006-01-12 [Lothuriel]: "Bartender, give me a shot of yer strongest and whatever the Orc wants"

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: mmm.... i be having... *terrex shrugged*... mead

2006-01-12 [Lothuriel]: And how about the lady," Vexx looked to the elven woman wtih the bard, "would you like to join us for a drink?"

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: *terrex looked down at his goblet, trying not to stare at the elven woman..*

2006-01-12 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep put his pipe down and pulled a small glass from under the table along with a dark glass bottle, that held a dark murky liquid. He poured a drink and then pushed it over** drink up lad- that whacks a kick stonger than any dwarven brandy you'll ever find. ** He took another mug from the shelve and poured from one of the old wooden barrels a frothing cup of amber liquid. ** and for the orc** he smiled pushing the glass towards him**

2006-01-12 [Lothuriel]: *Vexx picked up the drink and held it up to the bartender as if to says 'cheers' he drank it down straight and caused his face to wince, "you aint' kiddin'

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: *terrex took the mead and drank from it half heartedly*

2006-01-12 [alexi]: *walks over to the bar smiling* Something that strong isn't worth trying is seems.

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: *terrex gulped his mead happily*

2006-01-12 [grey wanderer]: "I'll have to pass on the drink, but I'ld be glad to talk." Eleonna perched on one of the stools sitting around the bar.

2006-01-12 [Danboo]: ...Daniel yawns

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: umm.. *terrex cleared his throat, as he got up his courage*... what be your name?

2006-01-12 [grey wanderer]: She turned to Terrex. "Me? Eleonna. And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

2006-01-12 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -turns his head from side to side, he had lost himself in thought, and just woke from it- er could I get some ale please?

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: i be terrex.... i am from northlands.

2006-01-12 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna nodded with her eyes closed. "The northlands..." She oped her eyes thoughtfully. "And what brings you to these parts?"

2006-01-12 [Lordterrex]: adventure i be thinking.. *terrex's voice was unnusally quiet and hushed.. he regarded the elf creature as if she was an animal.. scared and timid.. he was subconciously afraid to scare her off*

2006-01-12 [grey wanderer]: ((elf creature? hehe.)) "Adventure," she repeated curiously. She had met many people out adventuring, but usually they where headstrong boys just of their mother's apron strings. "Have you found it then?"

2006-01-13 [alexi]: ((Elf creature?? thats new)) What part of the northlands do you come from?

2006-01-13 [Lordterrex]: Terrex smiled... "it be hiding some times.... i be exploring.. seeing the land,..."

2006-01-14 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Hm... wounder if anyone spars around here....

2006-01-14 [alexi]: *looks at [Leon_DarkAngel* What kind of sparing?

2006-01-14 [Lordterrex]: *Terrex's ears perked up*.. its against rules.. less we go outside...

2006-01-14 [alexi]: I was just asking...

2006-01-14 [Lordterrex]: i just be saying... *he drank deeply from his mead*

2006-01-14 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya sat quietly at her table, her ears turning to occasionally listen to the conversations around her.

2006-01-14 [alexi]: I know, thank you...

2006-01-14 [Ryuk Kannagi]: I'm up for an outside spar, need to work the rust off my skill, and my blade

2006-01-14 [Lordterrex]: *terrex stopped drinking his mead, and grabbed some water, he drank from it deeply, and than breathed in a sigh..*.. out we go... *he smiled as he made his way to the door....*

2006-01-14 [alexi]: *watches them leave then leaves to get healing supplies*

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: "Rainin' awlfully hard out there to be sparrin' don't ya think?" Vexx shot down another drink. 

2006-01-15 [grey wanderer]: "Sparring," Eleonna muttered contemtuously, "men." She asked for a glass of water.

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: Vexx grinned and ordered another shot.

2006-01-15 [Lordterrex]: *terrex wandered back in*.....

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: "You here alone?" he asked Eleonna.

2006-01-15 [grey wanderer]: "Yes."

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: "Need some company then," he smirked.

2006-01-15 [Lordterrex]: *terrex raised his eyebrows at this... and than decided maybe a walk would be best, he walked out again, after picking up his cloak....*

2006-01-15 [grey wanderer]: "If I needed it I would look for it," she responded tartly. Vexx had had far to many drinks to convince Eleonna of his soberity. ((soberity? heh, I think I've invented a word there...))

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: "shame." he smirked.

2006-01-15 [grey wanderer]: The smirking was getting on her nerves. She shook her hair out of her face irritably and took another sip of water.

2006-01-15 [Lothuriel]: Vexx smiled and turned his attention back to the other patrons.

2006-01-15 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna moved to the table in the corner near the door. It was quieter there.

2006-01-16 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep shook his head and looked back at the crowd for a moment - evening was slowly approaching and the rain still pounded the world outside the inn**

2006-01-17 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -stretches and stands, following terrex out, he never spared against a half-orc before, and woundered what the man would be capable of- oy oy... what is the spar rules you prefer Terrex?

2006-01-17 [Lothuriel]: Vexx stared out the window, watching the rain pour down with the sun. He watched each patron carefully, keeping watch out for his prey.

2006-01-17 [travs the bean]: as long as it's not in the bar...**the barkeep gave an eye to the half-orc -** outside would be better

2006-01-18 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Were goin outside, so no worries.

2006-01-18 [travs the bean]: wasn't worried at all- the fire will still be warm

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia fell into the tavern from the stairs... landing on the floor with a loud bang... now completely wide awake, she jumped quickly to her feet, re-adjusted her wings then walked gracefully to the bar pretendeing nothing had happened*

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna went to meet her, smiling. "Nice entrance."

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: *elysia grinned* it was rather graceful wasn't it...

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: "Ah, yes, and with the acustics"

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: can I buy you a drink?

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: "What? Oh, no thankyou, I'm still working on this." She raised a cup of water. "I'ld be happy to sit with you though."

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: then take a seat... *Elysia smiled* so how did you end up here?

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna sat. "I was in the town visiting my... well you could say my adoptive-but-then-unadoped family. I'm heading home soon, so I was provisioning for my jouney back home, (things like blankets; I can mannage food), and I didn't fance sleeping in the rain tonight.

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: oh... and where do you live?

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: In the forest. And what about you? What are you doing here?

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: *elysia laughed* I was looking for my fortune, but I found this place instead...

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: *She laughed too.* Fortune? That this place certainly is not.

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: *elysia sighed* But it is cosy... and exciting, and the people are all friendly... *she glanced towards Vexx* well mostly anyways

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: Mostly. I think any unfriendlyness is helped along the way by drink. *she nodded toward the bar.*

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: yes it tends to be that way with some people...

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: *Eleonna tipped her head to one side.* Can you fly with those?

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: i haven'ttried...

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: Why not?

2006-01-19 [Elisha Kelly]: *elysia squirmed a little* well.... how about this weather... I wonder if it will ever stop raining...

2006-01-19 [grey wanderer]: *eleonna raised an eyebrow.* Why not,*she repeated*

2006-01-20 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia sighed... then leaned forward to whisper...* they aren't real alright... I made them.!

2006-01-20 [grey wanderer]: Realy? How interesting...I don't suppose you can move them then.

2006-01-21 [Elisha Kelly]: well... actually, maybe it would be better if I showed you.

2006-01-25 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep stretched for a moment as the evening approached. He grimced at the knott that seemed to form in his back, and stretched. He felt old and tired but managed to continue to smile as he wiped the counter down again and checked on who needed a refill and what not outside the rain began a steady drizzel, but no longer did it pound at it's surroundings

2006-01-25 [alexi]: *walks back into the main room*

2006-01-26 [grey wanderer]: Perhaps not here's a bit crowded.

2006-01-26 [travs the bean]: ** the barkeep nodded to Engel and went back to his work**

2006-01-27 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia giggled* Of course not here... *she leaned forward and whispered * I'd rather this lot not know about them, let them think that they are real, or I'm mad!

2006-01-27 [alexi]: *Nodded back to the barkeep and sat down in a corner near a window*

2006-01-27 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep smiled at Elysiann suggestion**

2006-01-27 [Lothuriel]: Vexx stood by the window, wiping down his rapier. He seemed as if he was expecting someone.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * Within the misty cover of rain, a gray robe with a hood slowly appears nearby. Within the hood two green eyes shine as they catch the light coming through the inn window. He pushes his hood back to reveal a handsome, young face. Then he seems startled by the rain that pounds on his shaved bare head and opens his palm to catch some rain. As he looks with a honest interest and wonder at the rainwater that is flowing from his hand he seems for a moment, childishly naive. He lets his hand drop and looks directly at the window with an intense, cautious look in his deep green eyes. His eyes meet with that of Vexx's eyes. Anche seems to study Vexx's face thoroughly for a flicker of a moment.*

2006-01-28 [Lothuriel]: Vexx raised his brow, watching the newcomer without taking his full attention away from his rapier. When he noticed the man watching him he gave a friendly nod.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "Anche seemed relaxed at once as he received the nod and just as promptly he nodded back. He began walking to the inn door with no apparent hurry.*

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "The inndoor, opened for a brief moment, carried the sound and scent of rain inside. Anche walked in and looked around, squeezing the rainwater from his black beard with no mustache. He closed the door with one of his hands with a quick reflex as wind shrieked through the opening. *

2006-01-28 [Lothuriel]: Vexx noted the man's quick reflexes and undaunting, watchful eyes. He kept his guard up, just in case, but kept a friendly face.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * Anche walked directly to the bar looking for the barkeep, after his long stare all around"

2006-01-28 [travs the bean]: ** the barkeep smiled** what will you have stranger **he said warmly** and will you be stay?"

2006-01-28 [alexi]: *stood up, streched and wlaked over to where the newcomer was* "Hello"

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia watched the newcomer from the corner of her eye, and though he seemed friendly enough, the easy way he walked, and his confidence led her to believe that he was not all that he at first appeared.*

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * Anche smiled faintly at the barkeep back" I will... have bread... and.. water, "honoured-lord-who-gave-shelter-under-his-roof"...  *his voice sounded rough and the words seemed to pour with difficulty at first but as he spoke his voice gained momentum and started to boom comfortably with a relaxing melodical sound and a strong emphasis on the words 'honorable' and 'shelter'.. he bowed deeply with respect and continued* ...and if you would be kind enough 'lord-who-I-bow-before' to give me a place, I wish to stay. The barn would be enough for me, 'honoured-lord-of-the-House'

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: *turned and bowed to the lady, who greeted him, silently but 'with an apologetic look at the lady' he turned to the barkeep out of respect, to listen to his reply*

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia's draw dropped open... never in her life had she ever heard anyone speak in this manner*

2006-01-28 [alexi]: *looks at Elysia with a 'can-i-talk-to-you-for-a-moment?' look*

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia excused herself from Eleonna, and wandered over to Engel*

2006-01-28 [alexi]: *met Elysia half way* "Where is he from? Can you tell?"

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia glanced at the strange newcomer* no idea... I'll ask him... *She wander over to the bar, trying to look casual* So were you from stranger?

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: *turns to Elysia after being sure that the barkeep is busy with other things and can not reply right now. He bows once again with his 'bend-halfway' style and tells* I come from a Small distance to the south, your people call the mountains, if I recall correctly, 'lady-who-honours-me-by-caring', the Orthront Mountains. *((INFO: Orthront Mountains are over 1500 miles distant from here))*

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: By the way *'honoured-lady' my name is Anche if you may need to learn. Forgive my extreme rudeness to not telling beforehand. *He seems honestly embarrassed*

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya stood and made her way over to the bar, she inclined her head to the newcomer and Elysiann. "I'll have a glass of water, if you will Trav." She smiled as he handed it to her and took a long sip. "Thank you," Ki said as she took a seat on a stool.

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia stared at Anche for a few moments, trying to figure out what he had called her* Uhh... my name is Elysia *she held her hand out to him * pleased to meet you

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * Anche stared for a brief moment at Elysia and then took her hand, bent halfway and kissed the hand that was held out to him to be shaken. Then he let go of her hand and once again bowed deeply* I am 'honoured' to meet you 'Elysia'.

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia raised one brow, then decided to just go with, she bowed to Anche* I am also uh... honoured to meet you

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: A young woman walked in, and fell down inside the doorway, her cloak falling over her face and body.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * At that moment Anche let his stare slip to Kileaiya and his eyes widened for a moment with interest as he inspected the beautiful and rare creature, letting his expression to tell he has never seen an anthro tiger before. He stared several moments with wonder in his green eyes and then he bowed to her"

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: ((*laughs* for liliah, no one notices her ><))

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya jumped to her feet, "You ok miss?'

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia sees the young woman's motionless form on the floor and goes to investigate... *

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah groaned, and rolled over, the front of her face bloody. She muttered something like, "not good to pickpocket knights..."

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: * At the sudden sound he turned almost instantly to the source of the sound. His body seemed tense for that brief moment*

2006-01-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia laughed* you can't be that bardly hurt if you can make jokes...

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah sat up, and rubbed her head. "Well, I'll never try an' do that again." Her voice had a small accent, and was deep.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: *Seeing the woman injured Anche rushed beside her and started kneeling only to stop after the word: "pickpocket" He took a step back and with a stern look he started to observe the thief*

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "What?" Liliah angerly exclaimed. "A girl's got'a eat, ya know."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya laughed. "You ok, there?" She asked again, "need a rag?"

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: You... Steal from the rightful owner? Death is infinitely more honourable.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "A rag would be nice." Liliah admitted with a sigh. "Death?" She laughed. "I beg to differ."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Ki removed a rag from her pocket and handed it to her, "Here you go? I'm sorry didn't catch a name."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah took the rag, and put it to her head. "Meh name's Liliah." Liliah said as she stuck out her hand.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "Order and law are the things that make us different from animals. I despise the life that was spent with succumbing to the greed. Even greed for life. Anyone can live without stealing besides..." said Anche in a stressed and hard tone.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah raised an eyebrow. "Blah, blah blah. It's either steal an' live, or don't stela na' die for me." She sighed. "I tried ta get a job.....never worked out though..."

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "I do not steal. I do not lie. I do not cheat. And I traveled greatly in the last two-months" exclaimed the young man and said "I wish you to give me a reason to not call the guard.. I really wish. But other wise, I will have no other option. This city has guards, yes.. Even if they can not tell a man from a shadow... Please answer.."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah growled. "Like I would stay aroun' long enough for that' ta happen!"

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: Anche replied calmly "It may be that way... But "I" would stay around you long enough. I have an idea, if you accept my humble meal I can give mine to you. And I will offer work for you. Let us talk over dinner while you eat. What do you say?"

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah rolled her eyes. "Fine." She grumbled.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: " Stopped for a moment and said "But first..." and then touched the face of the woman and began chanting silently. Liliah felt soothing waves of healing within her body*

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya eyed Anche, he was an odd sort. She had never met another like him and the new one Liliah also intrigued her so she watched them quietly.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah, aprehnsive, flinched threw the proseder.

2006-01-28 [alexi]: *walks over to the injured young woman with healing supplies* "Where are you hurt?"

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: Anche stepped back calmly. Pointed a corner table for Liliah to sit down and walked to the barkeep again, his motions seemed oddly tense though.

2006-01-28 [alexi]: *Engel offered her hand to Liliah*

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah smiled. "I'm alright now." She took a seat at the corner table, and played around with a small braided strand of her hair.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "taking some bread, meat and water from the barkeep, he went to the table and sat down. Divided the bread and water. Took a tiny bit of bread and half-cup of water, pushed the rest to the woman. Without touching the meat he gave it also to her."

2006-01-28 [alexi]: "Are you sure?"

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah stuck out her tongue. "I don't eat meat." She said as she and and drank her meal in one big move. "So, anyway.." She said.

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "What a coincidence.. you too do not eat meat, hmm?.. Nice.." he said and waited for her to finish her meal. Afterwards, he said "I can teach you the art of herbs, even magical ones. You do not have to make potions. Many people pay handsomely around these parts for the right herbs. I traveled thousands of... what do you call them... miles? Yes that's it, miles by selling them or giving them to the ones in need. You can easily pick them they even grow in the city, sometimes... even in a crack on the wall you can find them... They DO pay good... What do you say to my offer?"

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah sighed. "I don't know....."

2006-01-28 [alexi]: "What kind of herbs do you have? I am running low on some very useful ones and I haven't had a chance to go find more."

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: "You can come anytime you wish to accept my offer... I think I will stay in the city for some while. But Liliah.. Think on this. I do not let people break the law, please think. Or do not let me see or hear you steal again if you do so.* Anche declared and added "this is not a threat but a request...* And after these words he smiled to the young woman and got up bowed to everybody around one by one; then went to the barns to get some rest...*

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "Well, tha' was wierd." Liliah exclaimed as she leaned back in her chair. "What a fruit." She muttered.

2006-01-28 [alexi]: "Yes it was, what was it that happened to you? If i may ask."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "I got wacked fer tryin' to get some change off of a knight." Liliah said pointing to her head. "You can guess ta rest."

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: As he was telling the barkeep to take the meat and give it to someone in need, Anche heard Engel's voice and turned* "I do not currently have any. I can collect if you need something special though. What may be thy need? By the way, I am Anche 'honoured-lady-who-makes-me-pleased' by getting interested in my art." he told her.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah rolled her eyes.

2006-01-28 [alexi]: (I'm a girl!) *Looked over at Anche* "Just a few that I use the most" *she looked back at Liliah* "If your head hurts tell me and I'll give you an herb that will help."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah suluted lazily, and said, "Will do."

2006-01-28 [Shainn]: *Stared directly at Liliah's eyes for a moment then said to Engel "I will be at the barns 'lady' if you wish anything from me..." (I fixed my upper comment Engel; sorry! :))

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah sighed, then turned to Kileaiya. "Thanks for ta rag." She stood and walked over to her. "Is ther' anyway I can repay ya?"

2006-01-28 [alexi]: (Thanks, it happens sometimes)

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "No need for repayment, it was just a rag." She smiled kindly, "Come, sit, I'll buy us a drink."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah smiled, and sat. "Thanks."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya motioned to Travs, "I'll have mead," she turned to Liliah, "order what you like."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "I'll have the same." Liliah said as she brushed back her curly hair, and tied it loosly at the base of her neck.

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "So?" Kileaiya asked, "what brings you here?"

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah smiled, and said, "It was on ta road I was usin' to get around." She stopped, and added, "And this place looked nice."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya nodded, "It is quite nice here. I have a shop next door."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah nodded her head. "I always wanted ta own a store...never got a chance to though."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "If you need a job, I have a position open if you like."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: "Really?" Liliah seemed to perk up. "Ah, I mean...that nice."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "Yeah, I'm afraid the pay isn't much, but I offer free board and I garauntee you enough money for food."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah nodded her head. "I don't need much money....and a job would be nice." She smiled.

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya nodded, "I'll show you the shop in a bit, we can finish our drinks now."

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liiah nodded her head. "Alright."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled and took a sip from her mead.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah took a large sip, then placed her cup down. She took a look around, and finished the drink off.

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "Would you like to go see the shop now?" Kileaiya asked.

2006-01-28 [Akayume]: Liliah nodded her ehad. "Sure."

2006-01-28 [Kileaiya]: "Come on. It's just next door." Kileaiya stood motioning for Liliah to follow, she walked out of the bar towards the Warehouse. (link to the the warehouse is up above.)

2006-01-29 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia watch the proceedings with a grin, then went to watch the light pitter patter of the rain.*

2006-01-29 [Shainn]: * As he learned there is no barns within the inn, Anche rented a room from the barkeep and went upstairs to his room. Just then he noticed Kileaiya and Liliah walking towards the shop. He made some intricate runic symbol on the window as he watched them disappear behind the corner. The rune shone brightly red and disappeared. Anche caressed his beard without taking his concentrated eyes from the now empty road... He stared into the misty blankness and whispered... He thought nobody noticed him. And hoped so... He plunged into deep, disturbing thoughts...*

2006-01-29 [Akayume]: Liliah stood, and followed her (k.)

2006-01-30 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep smiled and passed out the requested drinks, he kepy an eye on those he felt where suspicious but said very little**

2006-01-31 [grey wanderer]: Eleonna quietly watched Shainn, but said nothing.

2006-01-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep wiped his hands**now did i miss anyone**he smiled looking around to see if all the orders had been accounted for**

2006-02-01 [Lothuriel]: Vexx had patiently and quietly watched the newcomer. He walked back over to the bar and sat down. He took off his hat and laid it down on the bar. He sat in a position that allowed him to see nearly everyone with a clear view of the door. 

2006-02-01 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia continues to look out the window lost in her own thoughts*

2006-02-06 [alexi]: *walks up to the bar* "Could I get a mead, please?"

2006-02-06 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep poured a fresh glass of mead. It's cool amber color foamed in it's wooden mug** 'ere you go**he said with a grin**enjoy best brew this side of the great river**

2006-02-06 [alexi]: Thanks you, its quite. 

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